Union nursing home workers held a press conference on Zoom in anticipation of the strike deadlines set for Friday at 6:00 AM at Windsor Health and Rehab Center, National Health Care Associates Centers, and Avery Heights.
Windsor Health and Rehab Center is facing an imminent strike Friday morning, having failed to provide any proposal that provides affordable health insurance for some of the poorest workers in the nursing home industry.
The Union filed unfair labor practice charges against Windsor Rehab for hiring unlicensed staff, making them to work for two to three weeks without wages. Current minimum wage for certified nursing assistants is $15 per hour. Dietary, housekeeping and laundry staff are barely starting at $14 per hour, and no access to affordable health insurance.
Union nursing home workers have settled over 60 contracts with nursing home facilities in Connecticut. It’s time for Windsor Health and Rehab Center to present a contract offer that truly values the Black, Latina, white, and API men and women who work on the front lines of long-term care.
What: Press Conference on Zoom
Nursing Home Workers at Windsor Rehab Prepare to Strike
When: Thursday, April 21, at 10:00 AM
Who: SEIU District 1199 New England union nursing home workers from Windsor Health and Rehab Center, National Health Care Associates and Avery Heights
Watch here:
Media Contact: Pedro Zayas, pzayas@seiu1199ne.org, 860-830-2478
District 1199, SEIU, New England Health Care Employees Union