31,000 workers at Stop & Shops across Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island have gone on strike.
Management at Stop & Shop presented their “final offer” to their workers, which included significant cuts to healthcare, massive increases (over 100% in some cases) to workers’ health care premiums, and replacing wage increases with so-called bonuses. All in all, this represents a massive step backwards with many workers facing reduced weekly earnings if they agreed to their “final offer”.
On top of this, Stop & Shop’s parent company reported over $2 billion in profits last year. This is not the time to ask for concessions. Rather, this is a time to invest in the workers who have made Stop & Shop so successful and profitable.
The workers, who are members of UFCW, need your help to win a fair contract. Here are three ways you can help:
Sign UFCW’s petition to Stop & Shop. Click here to sign the petition to Stop & Shop management to let them know you stand with the workers as they fight for a fair contract.
Join the workers on a picket line. The workers need your help and solidarity as they picket at over 90 stores across Connecticut. Join them whenever you have time and bring them coffee and doughnuts.
Continue to shop union. UFCW represents workers at a number of other grocery stores across the state. Click here for a list of union grocery stores in Connecticut. If you can’t shop at a union store, please shop elsewhere, but do not cross the picket line at Stop & Shop.
Thank you for your help and your support as these 31,000 workers go out on strike for fair wages, decent benefits, and a secure retirement. We will continue to update you as the strike progresses. We stand with UFCW!
In solidarity,
Rob Baril
SEIU 1199 NE