Union health care workers from the New England Health Care Employees Union, SEIU 1199NE, held a rally at the Capitol in demand of an official response and corresponding action to the Union’s petition letter regarding adjustments to the state’s budget. Budget adjustments are needed now to ensure that the new union contracts establishing livable wages, access to affordable health insurance and pension benefits are fully funded for fiscal year 2022-23.
The State of Connecticut is nursing a $4 billion surplus and $3 billion in the rainy day fund, while frontline caregivers in group homes and nursing homes struggle to survive. Twenty-five of our 1199NE Union members died due to COVID-19 complications, and many coronavirus survivors are struggling with medical debt. It’s raining. It’s pouring. And it’s about time for the majority Black, brown and white working women on the frontlines of long-term care to be treated with the respect they deserve and with the dignity they’ve won in their contracts.
What: Rally in demand of response and action to fund long-term care services so that workers can count on livable wages, access to affordable health care and a pension
When: Thursday, April 28, starting at 4:30 PM
Where: Connecticut State Capitol; 210 Capitol Avenue in Hartford
Who: SEIU District 1199 New England health care workers, including nursing home caregivers, group home direct support staff, home care PCAs and state workers from multiple agencies
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