Connecticut’s independent home care workers will join SEBAC state workers in demand of a fair contract that lifts long-term care workers out of poverty. SEIU District 1199’s union contract with the State of Connecticut covers some 10,000 independent home care personal care attendants serving 6,000 people across the state.
Today is the Service Employees International Union Day of Action, and workers will not rest until we’ve achieved the improvements in racial and economic justice that are long overdue in Connecticut. Union home care workers are currently running a campaign to call on Gov. Ned Lamont to make a wise investment in this workforce, including investing nearly $200 million in federal funding for home care services provided by President Joe Biden’s administration. The campaign is endorsed by national leaders Mary Kay Henry of SEIU, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II of the Poor People’s Campaign and Repairers of the Breach, and Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. See our ad in Sunday’s edition of the Hartford Courant here.
Featured Coverage
- ‘State Employees Protest Lamont’s Hard Line Against Raises’ – CT Mirror
- Chanting ‘no more cuts, tax the rich,’ hundreds of unionized state workers rally at Capitol ahead of contract fight – Hartford Courant
Connecticut’s long-term care workers are majority women and Black, Latino and immigrant workers. It’s time for our long-term care system to do away with poverty wages and to protect quality services for the elderly and people with disabilities.