As the Home Care providers Union, we are united around quality care for Consumers and quality jobs for caregivers. Before and during this pandemic, PCAs and our Consumers have worked tirelessly to win the following:
- Raises implemented on July 1st, 2020: PCAs increased to $16.25; those making more received a 1.5% increase
- Hazard pay of 7.5% for all hours worked April 1st – June 30, 2020
- Over a million items of PPE (masks and gloves) distributed and counting. Request more PPE for DSS Consumers HERE and for DDS Consumers in English HERE or in Spanish HERE.
- Access to COVID related paid leave through 12/31/20: Sick Leave Click here to download the form (Word Document) and Extended Paid Family & Medical Leave Click here to download the form (Word Document)
- Time and a half Pay on Holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, MLK Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July
- Access to Overtime, Increasing Individual Budgets, or Expedited New Hires: for DSS Consumers or PCAs Click here to download the form (PDF Document) and for DDS Consumers or PCAs Click here to download the form (PDF Document)
- Access to Workers Comp Insurance for work-related injury or illness (including COVID-19 contracted at work): To file for Workers compensation, call Atlantic Charter within the first 2 days to assure they have a claim number from them to use for medical care. Next, complete the 30c form here. One signed copy should be faxed to the district of injury. One copy should be sent certified mail/return receipt requested to your Employer. Mail a third copy regular mail to Atlantic Charter (Attn: Paul Hammond, Sr. Claims/Loss Control Specialist at Atlantic Charter, 25 New Chardon St, Boston MA 02114). Always keep one copy for yourself. If you have further questions, contact Paul Hammond at Atlantic Charter (Phone: 617-488-6546; Fax: 617-207-4344; Email: phammond@atlanticcharter.com). You can also reach out to 1199’s Workers Comp organizer, Alison Sylvia, for questions or to get help at asylvia@seiu1199ne.org or by calling the Union at 860-549-1199.
Are you paid by Allied or Sunset Shores and experiencing a pay problem? File a grievance here: https://act.seiu.org/onlineactions/1U8Ws5UKW0i_26NChQ4N3Q2
Are you in need of Masks, Gloves, or other PPE to work safely? Request more on behalf of your consumer here: for DSS Consumers at https://dss-pperequest.ct.gov/ and for DDS Consumers in English at https://tinyurl.com/y5hrleee or in Spanish at https://tinyurl.com/y3gbccus
Help home care workers have a stronger voice and become a member today! Click here to become a member
Learn more about your rights; click here to view our Home Care Contract: Home Care Contract