Nursing Home Workers Ready to Strike in Demand of Higher Wages, Adequate Staffing
Numbers and Protection of Quality Services for Connecticut’s Residents
Over 2,500 nursing home caregivers across the state are standing in unity to improve
the health care services provided to nursing home residents
Nursing home workers, SEIU 1199 New England leadership, legislators and a faith leader will hold a press conference on Monday, April 15 at 11:30 AM in Room 1B at the LOB to demand wage increases, accountability of staffing ratios and protection of quality health care services for Connecticut’s nursing home residents.
Wages for nursing home workers have remained stagnant, with just a 2% increase since 2015. The 2019-2020 budget bill does not include funding for wages, which means certified nurse assistants will be limited to a total increase of 25 to 30 cents over five years, while the cost of living in Connecticut continues to rise significantly.
Caregivers are also facing lower staffing ratios at nursing homes, and residents who require higher levels of care. As workplace conditions keep getting worse, many nursing homes are struggling to retain and recruit direct caregivers.
What: Nursing Home Workers Ready to Strike
When: Monday, April 15 at 11:30 AM
Where: Legislative Office Building, Room 1B
· Nursing Home Workers
· President Rob Baril, SEIU 1199 New England
· Sen. Saud Anwar, MD, Vice Chair Public Health Committee
· Pastor AJ Johnson, Hartford
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